Sustainable Growth
Tech Trade takes global climate challenges seriously working continuously to reduce the company’s environmental footprint.
Our strategy is to identify the areas having the greatest negative impact and amend accordingly to best benefit the environment.
We achieve this by providing innovative and sustainable technology, products and solutions to our customers.
Tech Trade operates in a low-risk environment with respect to human rights as our main activities are in Norway. We are mindful however of the potential negative impacts that may arise from within our supply chain.

Environmental Impact
At Tech Trade, we deeply understand the environmental challenges faced by our industry. Protecting the environment is a crucial part of our sustainability efforts, and we are dedicated to reducing our environmental impact.
We have a certified environmental management system, which guides our actions across the entire value chain. Our HSSEQ policy ensures safe operations and sets clear environmental performance indicators to steer us towards sustainability.
We surpass regulatory requirements by implementing the best available techniques and industry practices to safeguard people and the environment.
Human Rights
Tech Trade’s commitment to fundamental human rights and decent working conditions are set forth in our Code of Conduct and are further reiterated in our Human Rights policy.
We will conduct our business in accordance with the UN’s Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights, and the ten principles of the UN Global Compact.
To ensure continual improvement in our human rights efforts, we exercise due diligence to identify risks related to our operations.
Safe Operations
Design, construction and installation on both the NCS and land-based industries, carries a huge responsibility. We understand, embrace and comply with the strict Health, Safety, Security and Environmental requirements of the Norwegian authorities.
Tech Trade is committed to providing a safe workplace at all times, for both our employees and our contractors.